Weirded out

By Anonymous - 29/09/2021 02:01

Today, my girlfriend told me she is breaking up with me for my friend, because she likes people with diaper fetishes. I had no clue either of them liked that stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 573
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, probably for the best. You don't want to deal with that shit, and by that I mean literally shit, as in poopy diapers...


Well, probably for the best. You don't want to deal with that shit, and by that I mean literally shit, as in poopy diapers...

mccuish 25

I could’ve gone my whole life not knowing about a diaper fetish

I guess all she wanted was someone who pampers her. And by that I mean someone who gets her Pampers.