
By Brenden - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Massillon

Today, my new neighbor moved in. Because she was fairly young, I offered to mow her grass whenever it needed cut. Her dad then tried to start a fight with me because he thought it was sexual come-on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 927
You deserved it 7 287

Top comments

That has to be the weirdest new neighbor offer/introduction that I have ever heard.


And what is the relation between her age and your offer?

I snorted out my coffee that I was drinking when I read your comment.Rofl. And.FML

That has to be the weirdest new neighbor offer/introduction that I have ever heard.

I don't know.. I personally think it was a sweet gesture that was simply misconstrued. The girls father was much to quick to judge, OP, but thumbs up to you for being a gentleman. And besides that, he didn't say he opened with "let me mow your lawn.". o.o

Well, you were offering to mow her lawn.

I'd be careful what other neighborly services you offer that could be misconstrued. Tip: Do not offer to clean her drainpipes ;)

TheDrifter 23

Offering to trim her hedge might get him in trouble too.

I suppose deep cleaning the carpet would be out of the question also?

skyeyez9 24

And making sure her carpet matches the drapes.

flockz 19

does this also mean he can't pitch a tent in her backyard?

67 and yet offering interior decoratung tips is perfectly safe

RedPillSucks 31

make sure he doesn't offer to "lay her pipes"

This probably means plowing her driveway is off limits then?

chanta24 10

61: He should also not offer to wax her floors, as not everyone has carpet these days.

ninjajoehenes48 8

Don't ask to see her back door.

grahmagog 14

Guns dont kill people, fathers with daughters kill people

48- that's a crime if passion and most if those are done up close with household items... Things that you yourself use daily... I say we outlaw all household items!!!! Hear hear!!

So did you like, wink after you said it?

Dzirino 2

Well, that explains her father's reaction.

gurly98 13

#30 *DINKELBURG You spelled his name wrong. FAIL

Sigh...if you're going to correct someone, make sure you're right, first. It's DINKLEBURG.

Oh man, look at me making myself a hypocrite. Dinkleberg.

Seems you just can't be nice anymore without getting a background check.

olpally 32

If there's grass on the infield, play ball! Lol. Jk. Watch your step op, dad's are very protective of their daughters, this is no different. Haha.