What the…

By Anonymous - 06/10/2015 04:18 - United States - Lake Oswego

Today, at my annual checkup, the doc looks down at my foot and says, "Oh, you have an extra toenail. Six, huh?" Then sort of scraping at the side of my foot below the pinky toe, he pulls off a long piece of dead, dried skin and says, "Oh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 061
You deserved it 6 362

Same thing different taste


I really wish I wasn't eating while I read this. There goes my lunch. Poor Doctor.

I think this is more of an Fml because the doctor didn't know the difference between dead skin and a nail rather than the op having dead skin in the first place.

Today, I was eating lunch while reading this particular FML. FML.

How the **** does this person not deserve this? Take better care of yourself and shit like that wouldn't happen. P.S. That's ****** disgusting

Sparklypink714 9

I was eating while reading this... fml

You need to take care of your feet. That's disgusting. You only get 2 feet