
By what? what? what? what? - 17/02/2022 06:00

Today, no matter how hard I try, I simply can’t understand my professor’s incredibly thick accent. When I asked if anyone else in class was having trouble, they accused me of being a racist ass. I genuinely have no idea what he’s saying, and no one will share notes with me. Lectures are mandatory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 499
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Record him and maybe by hearing him again you’ll understand him.

Drop the class and take it later with someone you can comprehend.


Record him and maybe by hearing him again you’ll understand him.

rotflqtms_ 21

So read the textbook during lecture. Find the syllabus and see what chapters are being covered. I had a microbio professor I had to do that for. Got the highest grades in that class.

I agree, just record it. for what it's worth, they probably can understand him either but don't want to admit it.

http://eurolinguiste.com/accent/ might be a helpful article to read. My best friend’s husband is from south east Asia and can’t for the life of him understand any of the British accents. We give him a hard time but he makes far more jokes about it than we do lol. You’ll get there. Be patient with yourself.

Drop the class and take it later with someone you can comprehend.

Marcella1016 31

For some reason I can’t reply directly to their comment, but ninjacat, that was a great read, thank you! Never heard of EuroLinguiste but that was a really insightful article on how some people find it much harder or much easier to understand accents than others. Plus great tips for both speakers and listeners.

slhiggx 17

Been there in college there was a student with a southern accent so deep I needed a translator.

There is Google translate app that you can use to “translate” English to English. It will pick up what it thinks is being said. If it’s still not possible to understand take a screenshot of the jumble to your professor and from a place of desperation and not accusation explain. Ask for help and advice. I also agree that you should be doing AND include in the email that you’re reading the syllabus to learn more because you really are taking this class seriously.

You might have auditory processing issues. Ask your doctor for a referral to an audiologist and\or neurologist.