Where's my shit?

By Still No Phone - 21/05/2017 12:00 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I checked for the third time this week if my package that 'arrived' five days ago had been found. Not only was it a different employee at the concierge desk, meaning I had to explain everything again, but they told me the same bullshit about how it's "not their fault". The package is my new phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 761
You deserved it 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the police and report it as stolen. Use the report to get a new one sent and ask that they require your signature or get it held or delivered elsewhere.

kelardy 11

Someone probably saw the delivery and took it off your porch or something. Or like when I bought a car parts book for Christmas for my brother that was delivered at last 10 days after it shipped with a week of the tracking not updating somehow getting sent to the wrong side of the country in the process. Miracle it arrived on time.


"I'm expecting a package." Is that such a hard explanation to give!? It is the fault of which of the desk clerks stole your phone!

Call the police and report it as stolen. Use the report to get a new one sent and ask that they require your signature or get it held or delivered elsewhere.

kelardy 11

Someone probably saw the delivery and took it off your porch or something. Or like when I bought a car parts book for Christmas for my brother that was delivered at last 10 days after it shipped with a week of the tracking not updating somehow getting sent to the wrong side of the country in the process. Miracle it arrived on time.

The concierge is not responsible for your mail if it hasn't reached them. Most likely it was the post office's fault or somewhere farther back in the delivery. Stop blaming people who had nothing to do with it.

seyeran 9

I second this. As the person who does all the shipping and shipping related customer service, please know that once we've turned a parcel over to the shipping company, it's no longer something we are responsible for. Take it up with the carrier, not the seller - the seller's done all they can and needed to.

cirquedumousie 2

Yep, this gives me the s**ts. I work in a mailroom for a big corporation and people are always assuming that we're idiots who lose/withhold their parcels for fun! Half the time it will say "delivered" but really the courier has either accidentally hit the wrong button OR they've scanned it onto their van and it's "on board for delivery today", which 99% of people misread. And, of course, there's when it gets delivered to the company mailbox but takes another day, or two or five to actually make it onto the premises. And yes, it's not our fault if we haven't signed for it! Geez.