White Lotus vibes

By Anonymous - 03/12/2022 10:00

Today, I had to deal with a guest who'd left his shoes outside his door to be polished. I told him our hotel doesn’t offer shoe polishing, so if they’re gone they must have been stolen. He then accused me of stealing them for myself, even though I’m a woman with feet 6 sizes smaller than his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 939
You deserved it 70

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exactly, and that's why it's the perfect crime! No one is going to believe someone with shrunken, little goat hooves is going to steal some enormous clod-hoppers.

Yes, and you will clearly use them for your clown costume.


Exactly, and that's why it's the perfect crime! No one is going to believe someone with shrunken, little goat hooves is going to steal some enormous clod-hoppers.

Yes, and you will clearly use them for your clown costume.