With friends like these…

By marz88 - 24/10/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, a friend of mine got a bit drunk, but said she was fine and didn't feel drunk at all. I took her keys anyway and said she could sleep on my bed, while I slept on the floor next to the bed. I was rudely woken up in the middle of the night to her rolling over and vomiting on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 688
You deserved it 7 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oooh yuckk good job on keeping your friend safe though :)

meezer008 0


i'd have just let her drive drunk if I knew she would do that

shutyourmouth 0

Ugh I may vomit as well! That is truly disgusting FYL

triplethreat13 0

At least she rolled over first. Would you rather have vomit in your face or a girl who drowned in her vomit laying in your bed?

First lesson, never sleep on the ground next to a bed with a drunk person in it. Lesson 2: Either sleep in bed with them, or at least leave a bucket/trash can nearby. Lesson 3: If she didn't want to sleep with you then, she probably never will.

Aahahaha! Oh man your lucky you woke up, Imagine waking up like 6 hours later with dry sick on you...

Nijili_fml 0

ydi for not sleeping with her.

AKBO47 0

bitch. don't take her keys next time. duh. jk. being pikes on is better then having to carry the guilt of a dead friend

A friend of mine once vomited on the bed i had to sleep on. I had too sleep with intact pieces of mushrooms, beans and soja next to my head.