You ain't seen me, right?

By Blueberry - 17/09/2012 02:00 - United States - Iowa City

Today, I was showering at my dorm. I had my clothes locked in a locker and my towel and robe hanging outside the stall. Someone took off with my towel and robe, which had my keys. I had to walk down three flights of stairs to get an extra key in nothing but a plastic shower curtain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 230
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malkria 1

I would forever live in the shower...

Hope it wasn't a semi see through the curtain


hey at least you didn't die like some people do

This is like a scene from a typical American high school movie.

Or college. Toga, toga, toga, toga! I'll go now...

Thelnternet 7

wow. comment misfired. i am sorry everyone

....hey! You lookin kinda cute (ey!) in that plastic shower curtain guuuurl.

This may be the new fashion statement!

This has happened to me in my freshman year of college. Only not only did my floor mates do that, they also hung my underwear and bra outside the community shower/bathroom window. It wasn't for fun either. Had a tough time that year due to bullying - youd think that would be practically nonexistent by the time you're in your 20's (especially at a private religious college like mine) but boy can you be surprised.

Hope it wasn't a semi see through the curtain

What's the purpose of a shower curtain if it's see through?

To hold the water from getting outside the shower, but letting the light in. :-) Even the completely see-thru ones could cover the view when folded. It could have covered her.

69- what I'm trying to say is, in a house/apt there's usually a outer decorative curtain, and an inner rubber/plastic one. In public facilities, there's usually just the inner, but it's usually not see-through for obvious privacy reasons.

Malkria 1

I would forever live in the shower...

Who steals towels and robes??? Was it a nearby hotel? Haha.

Meant to say women. Not sure why it aotocorrected to men. Sexist phone.

Autocorrected women to men? Dafuq? Sexist iPhone....

I know I would wait there until someone came or until like 3 in the morning

BeforeItWasCool 12

Your idea of a party is running round the building dressed in a shower curtain? Charlie Sheen has nothing on you.

btstig 11

But your mom had her lips on me last night, bitch.

ramakanthsj 3

And you live in Antarctica that you could Not have asked anyone to help?

Sure, the key was in the robe so of course cellphones was under the pillow. She must have been alone in the dorm, or everybody was implied into the joke...

mrnuleef 7

I'm sure her practical jokers would have been delighted to help her from the plight that they put her in.

I'm sure the guys got a show ;) Next time, put your clothes somewhere safer. Or just shower fully clothed.

Yea, wash your clothes while you wash your hair, saves time and water.

What an asshole! You find that **** and do the same!

You'll be forever known as Curtain Girl.

People call me Curtain Girl because I work the curtain for plays at school, so it took me a while to understand your comment :p