Young love

By Anonymous - 21/12/2023 11:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my son is actually going on holiday over Christmas with some girl he met in a bar. He’s barely known her a week and is already dipping into his savings to keep her happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, we all met somewhere. It’s far less important where son met GF than the quality of their relationship. It’s very foolish for a parent to try to control the relationships of their adult children. It will only cause problems to do that… If son is giving girlfriend a lot of money that’s reason to be concerned. But for him to take a holiday with GF is none of your concern unless you are paying for it.


OP, we all met somewhere. It’s far less important where son met GF than the quality of their relationship. It’s very foolish for a parent to try to control the relationships of their adult children. It will only cause problems to do that… If son is giving girlfriend a lot of money that’s reason to be concerned. But for him to take a holiday with GF is none of your concern unless you are paying for it.