Your funny uncle

By Sole Heir - 16/12/2023 03:00 - Philippines - Makati City

Today, I was cleaning my recently late uncle's house. I found an old framed photo of a boy aged about 3. He's naked and shyly smiling to the camera, holding a heart-shaped sign that reads, "My penis is small, but my love is BIG." I showed it to my mom and asked who it was. She just snorted and said, "You were his favorite!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 645
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yikes sounds more like pedo shit and less like a joke? who would take a picture like that of a 3yo and keep it for years?

BrizBurry 9

why would any mother think that was ok. she allowed grooming to take place


yikes sounds more like pedo shit and less like a joke? who would take a picture like that of a 3yo and keep it for years?

BrizBurry 9

why would any mother think that was ok. she allowed grooming to take place