A fool and his money are soon parted

By blondie - 20/02/2022 12:00

Today, I was scammed by con artists, using a business to send out fraudulent checks for a fake "stay at home" job. Now not only do I have to try job hunting again, I'm also $2,000 in the hole with my bank account. You scam artist losers need to get off your ass and get a real job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, **** them, the ******' losers! I'm writing a book on scammers, but I can't get it published because "they" don't you to know what's going on. Please send me 0.02 Bitcoin to cover the publishing cost and I'll put you in the acknowledgments (aka list of suckers.)

bobsanction 18

This scam has been going on over 20 years, how the hell do people still fall for it?


Yeah, **** them, the ******' losers! I'm writing a book on scammers, but I can't get it published because "they" don't you to know what's going on. Please send me 0.02 Bitcoin to cover the publishing cost and I'll put you in the acknowledgments (aka list of suckers.)

bobsanction 18

This scam has been going on over 20 years, how the hell do people still fall for it?

Yeah... you should also probably not fall for obvious scams bro.

Jon Tessler 14

they have a real job, making people like you send them money. seems to be working well for them

Bit rich coming from the loser sat on his ass unable to get a job and is also stupid enough to fall for an obvious scam. And that's as rich as you're ever going to be.