A right bunch of berks

By Anonymous - 25/09/2022 02:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my boyfriend's family. He calls his parents things like “geriatric hag” and “old clown”. I was about to yell at him, but they started calling him “nancy boy” and “nerd”. Apparently they love each other, but only communicate through abuse. I can’t believe I may soon marry into this mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 605
You deserved it 1 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, **** bag. Enjoy your honeymoon, douche-canoe!

Aww, I wonder what they'll end up affectingly calling you.


Aww, I wonder what they'll end up affectingly calling you.

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, **** bag. Enjoy your honeymoon, douche-canoe!

My kids and I always talk to each other like this. They're all grown adults and they still call me names like "buttmunch" and "fat old man", and I will call them names like "dumbass" and "bag o' shit" and it's 100% done with affection.