Adding insult to injury

By Anonymous - 15/07/2022 05:00 - United States - Overland Park

Today, it's not bad enough that I'm fighting stage 4 colorectal cancer, and that I'm 3 weeks out of colostomy surgery, during the night, it came unhooked from my body in my sleep. I woke up to the smell of shit, and I was covered in dried shit, glued to my sheets. It made it through 2 'waterproof' mattress protectors, to the expensive foam mattress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 380
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I pray to God that you make it through this and beat the cancer. You can do this.

Who the hell voted you deserve it. Cruel. Hope you can beat this!


Sounds like a _____ situation. I'll bet you know how to fill in the blank.

I pray to God that you make it through this and beat the cancer. You can do this.

Who the hell voted you deserve it. Cruel. Hope you can beat this!

So sorry to hear that, but stay strong, I'll be praying for you!! Best wishes moving forward ❤️❤️

Battousai124 7

It's waterproof not shitproof, lol