Adding insult to injury

By Fly my pretty, FLY! - 25/09/2023 02:00 - Philippines - Makati City

Today, my mom's super spoiled small demon dog attacked my 3 year-old daughter, mauling her leg. Out of instinct, I kicked it away, causing it to fly across the room yelping. I picked up my daughter and took her straight to the hospital, where she got stitches. Later that night, I was greeted with a vet bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 101
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So present your mom with the hospital bill

Give your mom the hospital bill. You'll likely come out ahead.


So present your mom with the hospital bill

Not all moms are worth living with... what with putting the dog about a three year old granddaughter.

I agree. If that happened to me, mom is out of my life

And what did your daughter do to the dog to provoke such a reaction? Cause dogs dont bite without reason and as a animal rescuer of 30 years I have seenn way to often IDIOTS letting their BRATS pull, mess around and hit dogs in "play" till the dog snaps and then its the dog not the BRAT that gets punished, also your reaction to kick the dog is disgusting, ll you had to do was lift your child, the fact your first thought was to violence against a animal is very telling I would boycot you from my home if it was me and you should pay the vet bill you could have killed the dog! I would love to know what your kid did to bring this on.

I think you missed this bit "mauling her leg". It wasn't simply a bite, that dog tore into her. Yes dogs can turn on a moments notice. Look how many stories there are about family dogs being left alone in the same room with a baby to have parents come back seconds later because a dog decided to attack. How about the time a dog decided to chase me down the street when I was 16, all because I had the audacity to ride my bicycle past him in the yard, I'm sure I deserved the 10 stitches and rabies shots because a dog "simply does not bite without reason". For an animal rescuer, you must live in a very sheltered part of the country where dogs are 100% innocent 100% of the time. Also caling the victim a brat, shows your true bias

Animals attack people for no good reason all the time. You're probably right that there was a reason. Maybe she moved her hand too fast or maybe she smelled funny or maybe she was sitting in the room close to the dog and the dog didn't like it. I have seen many dogs attack people for no good reason and I have been attacked by dogs for no good reason. Having a reason and a good reason is totally different. Victim blaming does no good here. Dogs attack for all sorts of reasons and probably half of them are unknown to us and the people that the dogs are around.

@Blueraspberrycat - Dogs absolutely can attack unprovoked. It happened to me as a young child, though not nearly as severely as this unfortunate toddler. (I was tackled in a leashed area of a public park. The dog was unleashed and was likely playing, but too aggressively, which shows a lack of training. I was winded and couldn't get up for a few minutes.) You weren't there, you don't know for absolutely sure what happened. If the toddler was acting out of line, the dog would have given warning signs first, such as growling, barking, slapping her away with its paw, light nips, etc. This sounds like an immediate all out attack, according to OP, and OP's mother never trained her animal. Get over your self righteousness.

@Blueraspberrycat When I was 13-14 riding in my Grandpa's car in the back seat with his poorly trained, spoiled Lhasa Apso, I looked over at it briefly, looked back out the window, and the little bastard had bit my arm enough to draw blood. My arms were by my side, and I was looking the other way. I'm sure he felt threatened or cornered in the car, or that I was taking his spot, but it was totally unprovoked in any way. I was just sitting there and had been for over an hour on that road trip. Every single grandkid was bitten by one of his two dogs he had when we were kids. Sometimes dogs are touchy and twitchy and unstable, and can bite you unprovoked because they feel threatened, even though you did nothing wrong, especially when humans are so bad at reading certain dog body language cues, especially little humans.

What the victim blaming BS is this? A poorly trained dog absolutely can attack without what we would see as provocation normally. I have seen it happen, have heard from dog trainers working to correct these issues with poorly trained dogs for years, and have known several people who have been attacked, bitten, or full on mauled with scars and stitches, and the "provocation" was "they had food and didn't respond promptly to the dogs begging" or "they took too long to respond to a demand to play" or even just "my master normally finds it funny when I bite at things, and my owner said the word I normally associate with their approval to do this." Do us a favor and reflect on your words, your life, and your experiences. An apology to the OP here might be appropriate, too.

If you put a dog before a human you got it wrong 200%.

Give your mom the hospital bill. You'll likely come out ahead.

In many places you don't actually have hospital bills or just small ones. This was outside the USA - it may well have been free.

If healthcare is free where you're from, you can give back the vet bill to your mom along with your lawyer's bill.

Assuming the attack was unprovoked: First off, never let your mother and her dog anywhere near you or your child again. Second, either threaten to take her to court over the hospital bills in exchange for the vet bills (if you are American) or threaten to go to the police and file a report on a vicious dog.

you should greet your mom with the emergency bill

JLa22Q 3

do one better, great your mother with a court date

just get the dog put down and give her the 50$ for that

You 100% did the right thing. Your mom will be lucky if you choose to not present her with a lawsuit.

Not gonna lie, I'd be refusing to pay for the vet bill, AND get her to pay your daughter's hospital bill. Also report it to the police. HER DOG MAULED YOUR DAUGHTER! She clearly cares more about the dog than your daughter so I wouldn't visit anymore either. I hope your daughter recovers well OP.