Alexa, play "Ghost Rider" by Suicide

By Soon to be felon - 03/07/2023 22:00

Today, my sister got a speeding ticket in the mail. A month ago, I got pulled over and used her name, intending to take care of it but forgot. She's going to the police station to review the footage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92
You deserved it 1 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just been honest from the get go. In many areas, you can be charged with giving false information as well as original charges. YDI

So admit it and pay the ticket as a proper apology


If the video appears to be you, it certainly must be a deepfake! Maybe your sister shouldn't drive on Ambien.

That is a suspended license for you in a lot of places

You should have just been honest from the get go. In many areas, you can be charged with giving false information as well as original charges. YDI

So admit it and pay the ticket as a proper apology