Annoying internal jukebox

By Anonymous - 05/07/2021 04:00

Today, I can remember enough of a song for it to be stuck in my head, but not enough of it to help me identify the song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 875
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then google the lyrics you do remember. Something will match.

I've googled lyrics plenty of times and even if it's the same word repeated in a chorus, after a bit of searching, I've been able to find it. I know the frustration well and wish you the best of luck.


Then google the lyrics you do remember. Something will match.

I've googled lyrics plenty of times and even if it's the same word repeated in a chorus, after a bit of searching, I've been able to find it. I know the frustration well and wish you the best of luck.

It stinks when you get a strong stuck in your heeee-ad In your heee-eaaa-ad Sorry Sorry