Another case for Shaggy

By well then... - 21/02/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, I was approached by a girl who called me a slut for sleeping with her boyfriend, then punched me in the face. I'm a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 534
You deserved it 3 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope you did more than just come home and write on FML about this.

You need to file charges against her. Get medical attention as well.


I really hope you did more than just come home and write on FML about this.

You need to file charges against her. Get medical attention as well.

shadowkiss13 0

1st though u shouldve slammed her face on cement then laughed while she started to crying! then say you were doing self-defense at court and THEN go get some treatement for ur wounds

Too damn right! No bitch should hit you, without making sure her 'info' was correct first. And OP I feel for you, but you shouldn't be such a wimp, air your opinions, let HER face meet YOUR fist. Hehe.

This sounds like a typical high school drama. Hopefully you didn't get suspended. It's a shame that schools now have a 'zero tolerance" policy when so many children are targeted for violence like this and then they suspend both parties involved and no justice is served.

red_apples 0

I agree with #6, find her boyfriend and kick him in the nuts. Hard.

yo bitches definitely do be trippin' but the easiest solution after her accusing you of sleeping with her boyfriend would be to tell her you were a virgin. Then you could just come on this site and write "i'm a virgin FML" and just leave out that whole punching part

#2 You either completely missed the point (which would explain why so at least one person thinks she deserved this) or just tried to make a joke and completely and utterly failed. Either way, I think it best if you used your brain a bit more before posting in the future. kthx Anyway, to the OP. We generally call that kind of behavior "assault." It's not looked to kindly upon by most people. Don't do anything stupid to get back at her, just get her ass kicked out of whatever place it was that she assaulted you. Props if it was at school and you can get her expelled. =D


You may be a virgin, but you still sucked his dick, you ****...