Another mystery

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 15:00 - Switzerland

Today, I had a lovely day, right up until the moment I got home, went to change my pad, and realised that sometime in the last two hours, somewhere between the library and this moment, my pad had somehow… fallen out. So somewhere out there my bloody pad is… just there. What if someone saw? FML
I agree, your life sucks 472
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

If someone saw, you probably don't know them and they probably don't know you, so all you've accomplished, in that situation, is to have given someone a bit of a special memory...

Um... as a pad-wearing woman, I can't imagine how one could possibly fall out, and if it did, I can't imagine you wouldn't feel it. Even if you were wearing a skirt and it didn't have to travel down the pant leg, just... how? I guess for extra security, get the ones with wings...


Wadlaen 23

If someone saw, you probably don't know them and they probably don't know you, so all you've accomplished, in that situation, is to have given someone a bit of a special memory...

Um... as a pad-wearing woman, I can't imagine how one could possibly fall out, and if it did, I can't imagine you wouldn't feel it. Even if you were wearing a skirt and it didn't have to travel down the pant leg, just... how? I guess for extra security, get the ones with wings...

If you're not using pads with wings, start. They are so much better at staying in place.