Another one bites the dust

By Anonymous - 29/10/2023 04:00

Today, every guy I've dated in the last 5 years loses interest after we've had sex, no matter how long I wait. The worst part is none of them will tell me what's wrong with me, they all just act like everything is fine, whilst "phasing it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 355
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's bad, you will find your soulmate I'm sure of that, my advice is go out there and get your experience up somewhat maybe figure out what kinks you have then look for a longer term relationship after that

Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

you posted the same thing about the last 10 years. it's clearly u wanting the wrong guys I guarantee there are plenty of guys who want u that u reject


that's bad, you will find your soulmate I'm sure of that, my advice is go out there and get your experience up somewhat maybe figure out what kinks you have then look for a longer term relationship after that

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Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

you posted the same thing about the last 10 years. it's clearly u wanting the wrong guys I guarantee there are plenty of guys who want u that u reject