Bad date

By Dammit Brain - 22/10/2020 20:02 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, I went on a lunch date with a guy I used to work with. When the conversation got dry, I asked him if he went by “Chris” or “Christopher” these days. His name is Daniel. My brain knew my mistake as I said it. Just when I thought the silence couldn’t get more awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 722
You deserved it 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he's wrong and he's definitely a Christopher. No way he's a Daniel. Now, would you be ok with Chris, because I don't want to say three syllables every time? Go big or go home.

What matters is what name you used during the sex afterward.


Tell him he's wrong and he's definitely a Christopher. No way he's a Daniel. Now, would you be ok with Chris, because I don't want to say three syllables every time? Go big or go home.

What matters is what name you used during the sex afterward.

I mean, if the conversation got that dry was it a great date? I'm not going to say it was the worst date you could have, but aren't dates supposed to be fun?