Bathroom break

By Anonymous - 12/04/2022 22:00

Today, a guy on Tinder matched with me. I reached for my phone so fast, I slipped and broke my nose against the toilet, then when I tried to use the bowl as support to stand up, my hand slipped and I slammed my broken nose right back onto the toilet. Don’t think Mr Tinder is seeing me tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 826
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what's sexy? Desperation. And you freaking nailed it. And by "it" I mean your nose. Twice.

Goddam! Don't be so thirsty! It's very unattractive. And if you are thirsty, don't drink out of the toilet!


Goddam! Don't be so thirsty! It's very unattractive. And if you are thirsty, don't drink out of the toilet!

I'm trying to visualize where you were sitting/standing in oder to bash your nose into the toilet bowl hard enough to break it - and I'm baffled

You know what's sexy? Desperation. And you freaking nailed it. And by "it" I mean your nose. Twice.