
By Anonymous - 14/06/2023 20:00 - Australia

Today, it's been a year since my partner and I opened our business. To keep it running, I've had to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet, as well as run the business. My partner has focused on the business. He just got a job offer that would mean we close and move, and I would only need to work part-time. He refused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 873
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your business sucks. Quit one of your jobs and "the business" and let your deluded partner see the consequences.

It sounds like your partner doesn't give a toss for what you're going through. So it's time to look out for yourself only. Stop helping with the business unless your partner also takes a job, and start looking for a better paying job so you don't need to work two. If that would require training, start training. I repeat, look out for yourself only.


Your business sucks. Quit one of your jobs and "the business" and let your deluded partner see the consequences.

It sounds like your partner doesn't give a toss for what you're going through. So it's time to look out for yourself only. Stop helping with the business unless your partner also takes a job, and start looking for a better paying job so you don't need to work two. If that would require training, start training. I repeat, look out for yourself only.