Can't talk right now

By Anonymous - 03/07/2021 08:01 - Canada

Today, while I was getting a blowjob from my girlfriend in the shower, my mom stood outside the door the whole time, asking me about my day. My girlfriend never stopped going, and my mom, who was unaware that my girl was with me in the shower, is now getting me tested for speech impairment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 589
You deserved it 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slkeithh 14

I just need to know why your mother felt the need to stand outside the door as you were showering in the first place. Really weird, bro.

Typically, speech impairments don’t just show up out of the blue. If she’s having you get tested, she’s either been concerned about it for a while or thinks something bad happened, like a stroke.


Couldn't you tell your mom you'd talk to her after shower?

2deployments1divorce 11

Is there any certain stimuli that triggers your impairment ... uh ... yes?

Typically, speech impairments don’t just show up out of the blue. If she’s having you get tested, she’s either been concerned about it for a while or thinks something bad happened, like a stroke.

Carmen 3

My speech impairment came out the blue when I was 15

talk to the doctor alone, a bit at least and explain it. a decent doctor will tell your mother like "seems like maybe a bit of stress or something. nothing to worry about totally normal.". they are people, and not generally into causing grief between families over nothing.

slkeithh 14

I just need to know why your mother felt the need to stand outside the door as you were showering in the first place. Really weird, bro.

Pretty sure mom suspected what was going on in the shower if you are able to speak normally otherwise. I am betting she’s using the “threat” of having you tested for speech therapy as a way to eventually get you to admit to what was going on. Some Moms have a weird sexual jealousy and fixation on their sons - Ick! It might actually be easier to tell Mom what was going on - If you and girlfriend are not minors or related. You could at least tell Mom you were masterbating.

Wadlaen 23

On one hand, I feel yes, your life sucks, but at the same time, if you've been a good boy, you might deserve a *******, so it's kind of a 50/50 situation...