
By Anonymous - 18/12/2020 23:58 - Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's

Today, I woke up with a fever, headache and sore throat. All the symptoms of Covid-19. I told my husband, whose responded with, "Sack up and get over yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 937
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you get tested, and let us know the results!

Waaaaaay too many people have that mentality. It's almost as if they think it's not deadly.


bobsanction 18

Just a case of the man-flu ya baby.

I hope you get tested, and let us know the results!

Waaaaaay too many people have that mentality. It's almost as if they think it's not deadly.

Or they’re like my family, who fully know it’s deadly, but feel that trying to “prevent” it is interfering with natural selection. Which is made even funnier by the fact that they don’t believe in evolution.

Kraths 16

The symptoms are way too common in other things. I have had chest pains, trouble breathing, headache, cough and loss of taste this entire time and if I tell anyone about those they readily declare Covid. I have chest pains from a caffeine OD last year, My asthma makes breathing hard, I frequently get headaches when I'm stressed, I cough when the temperature suddenly shifts, and I haven't been able to taste very many things my entire life. Does your SO have a right to discredit your opinion, no. However your symptoms are common with the flu and common cold, so jumping straight to the worst outcome will do nothing but cause you to worry. You should get tested before you assume the worst because of the overlap in symptoms with other things.

This is the attitude that is making this pandemic neverending, people not taking it seriously.