Caught a stray bullet

By cryface - 07/02/2014 04:48 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I jokingly told my boyfriend he was like an animal in bed. He responded saying I was like a dead animal in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 002
You deserved it 17 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HammyBear13 8

I dont understand why people are saying hes a jerk. She stated an opinion on his sex actions being animal-like, and he replied with his opinion of her sex actions being that of a dead animal. Sounds like communication to me. Im more worried about how either of them know what its like to have sex with an animal......especially a dead animal.

ileenefudge 29

It's how he said it. Yes he's communicating, but there are better ways to say things like that. especially when told something like him being good in bed to boost his ego. The way he responded was messed up because how he said it, not because he was communicating with her about it

HammyBear13 8

So we complain about lack of communication, and we complain about having communication? Well, no wonder humanity isnt very humane anymore. The world is full of depressed asshats who are never happy.

Tell him that the animal you had in mind was a sloth. But seriously, try being on top next time. It can get frustrating for guys if they feel like they always have to do all the work.

It's all ***** and giggles till someone talks shit about your bedroom skills.

kakakarotcake 17

How dare op's boyfriend communicate with her about their sex lives like civilized people. savages

JMichael 25

Next time show him how wild you can really be!

"Ah, but you see my dear, we may be lambs in the kitchen, but we are tigers in the bedroom!" "Eww mom gross!"

icepick23 12

YDI for being boring in bed (unless you are hot, in which case it's fine).

NodakN8V 25

Every action comes with a reaction

Well...You never told him what type of animal he was. So now that you know how he feels...Perhaps he's a Gerbil?

kakakarotcake 17

gerbils get it on like there is no tomorrow. so that's more of a complement.