Check these out

By Groom - 30/11/2008 10:51 - France

Today, I had an important interview. On the way there, I stopped in front of a car window to look at my reflection, checking I didn't have salad stuck between my teeth. Having pulled several faces, I realised that there were two girls inside the car, cracking up with laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 086
You deserved it 12 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, so what? You didn't know them, they got a laugh. If you saw that, wouldn't you laugh?

sunshine13_fml 0

this happened to me too. except i was looking at my reflection in the window trying to pop a pimple and then they rolled down their window and i ran off laughing.


=D haha! Poor you. Don't worry, Im sure they dont know you. Lol. And its not as bad as what we did ... I was in philippines not too long ago and we had a jeep that was completely tinted and you can see your reflection from the outside but not inside. My sister and I were both sitting inside when a man dressed as a woman walked towards the window. He was checking himself out hair and all. my sister then decides to suddenly open the window and ROAR! hahaha we died from laughter. He jumped, Squeeled like a pig and ran off

FML858 0

LMFAO WIN. my friend is Filipino I absolutly adore her <3

toaster468 0

Today, I was sitting in my car with my friend when out of nowhere a stranger walks up to our window to check his appearence. LOL

this is funny and im sure it made you feel stupid but it's not really an FML

FML858 0

how do you not clean your teeth before an interview?

pimpdaddy113 0

I love how when this was posted, no one commented until like 3 months later.

babysittingfail 0

Hahahaha this just made my day