
By craZycatLady - 20/04/2015 18:06 - United States - Mission

Today, while spring cleaning, my cat came into the kitchen with a live mouse in her mouth. She looked me dead in the eyes and dropped the mouse, which then ran into my bedroom. It's been 4 hours and I still can't find it. Where's the cat? Chilling like nothing happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 422
You deserved it 3 630

Same thing different taste


Queen_of_Night 20

Your cat believes you suck as a predator and has brought you something simple to take down on your own. She is lying on the couch because she is embarrassed for you. If you don't mind killing the mouse, use a product called "The Better Mouse Trap". My military dorm was crawling with field mice. Found one staring up at me when I ordered pizza one evening. I couldn't do the humane thing since I knew it would just end up back in the dorm, so I bought 3 traps and BOOM. I had the room where mice feared to tread.

That's why cats are the worst pets ever.

A-hole cat! Their purpose is the exact opposite

She/he is trying to teach you to hunt. Cute.

Just another reason why cats are creatures sent from hell.

PizzaElHutt 7
leeroxs45 18

My cat brings squirrels, mice, rats, moles, and birds in the house...

(S)he was giving you a present and wanted you to have the final kill!