Christmas family fun

By KittyT - 25/12/2023 21:00 - Australia - Buderim

Today, on Christmas Eve, I got dumped. Why? Because he couldn't live with my psychotic sister after she threatened to get him arrested if she punched him, because he's black. We still love each other and we're in tears having to separate until we can get a house in the housing crisis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 557
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you know there is nothing wrong with renting for now right? you don't need to buy as soon as you move out. get a studio apt or anything you can afford to rent so you are away from the crazy

OP, that sounds like a bad situation. It's hard getting broken up with anytime, but this season is especially painful... It was unclear from the post if BF had actually punched psychotic sister or had just threatened to do that or if sister was just making it all up. It can be difficult to live with people who's personalities clash. But at least sister has apparently give you a place to live... OP, here is hoping you are able to find a way to find your own place to live and a way to support yourself. I am sorry that you had to deal with all this unpleasantness during a time we want to be a happy season.


OP, that sounds like a bad situation. It's hard getting broken up with anytime, but this season is especially painful... It was unclear from the post if BF had actually punched psychotic sister or had just threatened to do that or if sister was just making it all up. It can be difficult to live with people who's personalities clash. But at least sister has apparently give you a place to live... OP, here is hoping you are able to find a way to find your own place to live and a way to support yourself. I am sorry that you had to deal with all this unpleasantness during a time we want to be a happy season.

my sister hasn't given me a place to live, we are living with my parents. he didn't talk about punching her...

you know there is nothing wrong with renting for now right? you don't need to buy as soon as you move out. get a studio apt or anything you can afford to rent so you are away from the crazy