Communication unclear

By Anonymous - 24/11/2023 18:00 - Germany

Today, I said to my man, "You used to tell me you love me, but lately you don’t even want me telling you." He responded with a story about his clogged shower drain and then couldn’t understand why I got upset, because apparently this was his “reply to the question I asked.” WTF? FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair, “You used to tell me you love me…” isn’t a question.

take them to the dr. get hearing & cognitive function checked.


To be fair, “You used to tell me you love me…” isn’t a question.

take them to the dr. get hearing & cognitive function checked.

I can think of a few possible explanations for this… (1) Your BF is having hearing problems or OP is having problems being understood… (2) OP has gotten clingy and insecure and that’s bothering BF but he doesn’t know how to address that… (3) Your relationship is not in good health and maybe he wants out but doesn’t know how to express this… OP, it sounds like you and BF are overdue for clearing up your communications issues. It might be as simple as him not understanding what you meant or as messy as him being tired of OP’s insecurities or even that BF actually wants out of the relationship. Unfortunately insecurity can create a relationship crisis but so can a loss of interest or unwillingness to discuss relationship issues. Try to treat this as a misunderstanding to be cleared up rather than a crisis. Be calm and not accusatory and simply try to come to an understanding of what is going on. There is a good chance this is not a serious relationship issue.