Congratulations, you played yourself

By OoopsieDaisee - 15/11/2023 20:00

Today, my boyfriend asked me to look up something on his phone. I jokingly asked him, “You’re not worried about me discovering your side bitches?” He got upset and angrily said he didn’t have any. I took his defensiveness as an indication of guilt and dumped him. Turns out he was right, he didn’t have side chicks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58
You deserved it 1 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember people, some do NOT like being accused of something they didn't do. Their reaction doesn't always equal guilt, but maybe resentment of having something heinous said to them.

oh ffs, if he was hiding something he wouldn't have given you his phone.


Just remember people, some do NOT like being accused of something they didn't do. Their reaction doesn't always equal guilt, but maybe resentment of having something heinous said to them.

oh ffs, if he was hiding something he wouldn't have given you his phone.

if you want to see how cheaters actually react, read all the FMLs where husbands smash doors, boyfriends punch walls, and fiances never come home. Being angry you thought he was cheating is reasonable especially when he wasn't

You did the right thing. Dumping over something like that means that you didn't really care about the relationship and didn't really trust him. Good thing you dumped him so he can fine someone who actually cares.

HouseOfM 8

I had next who didn't understand why she couldn't look through my phone. I do have conversations with friends. And they tell me their personal issues. Medical and other private problems that they do not feel comfortable with other people knowing.

L0life29 6
EricW 4

Well… you are stupid. that’s it.