Couvade syndrome

By Anonymous - 03/11/2021 08:00

Today my boyfriend overeats when he is upset, and normally keeps tight hold of his diet to control his weight. He assures me he’s happy about it, but since I told him I’m pregnant 3 weeks ago, he’s put on 28 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 948
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well If it was unexpected it can be a big stresser. He can still be happy about it but in a panic mode If he doesnt know what to do about it. If this is the first child for both of you its a big life change and you have lots to plan and prepare to, the importan thing now is to talk alot and for you to be there and support him as he should be to you.

28 pounds in 3 weeks ? does he eat like a bodybuilder without the bodybuilding ???


Well If it was unexpected it can be a big stresser. He can still be happy about it but in a panic mode If he doesnt know what to do about it. If this is the first child for both of you its a big life change and you have lots to plan and prepare to, the importan thing now is to talk alot and for you to be there and support him as he should be to you.

28 pounds in 3 weeks ? does he eat like a bodybuilder without the bodybuilding ???

He is bodybuilding. Instead of building an Arnold Schwarzenegger body, he's building a Fat Bastard one.

He knows you're going to get fat, so he's just getting a head start.

Jon Tessler 14

sympathy eating. getting a head start on your "weird cravings" phase. but seriously, sit him down and talk to him about it.

Nhayaa2.0 17

Could be a couvade syndrome. Nothing to really worry about, it will stop on its own at some point.