
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I discovered that my new roommate likes to take the loose hair when she showers and make shapes with it on the shower wall. She calls it art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 436
You deserved it 3 812

Top comments

there's nothing wrong with that- I do it ! lol it's just annoying having stringy hairs all over you

ilikethebeatles 0

quit being so bitchy and enjoy her art, for all you know she could die tomorrow.


I used to do that:) well up until my parents thought I was leaving me pubs on the shower wall "thinking" I was confused about my sexual identity:(

momo1414 0

my sister does that! it's really gross

maddehsaurr 0

i just take it off my hand and stick it to the wall.

I do that. It's not like it's that weird. It's hair and its on your head. What does it matter of its on the shower walls in pretty picture form too?