Creeped out

By Anonymous - 26/03/2020 14:06

Today, I found out my husband only started to date me because he thinks I look like his daughter. She was 5 at that time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 928
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m guessing it’s so she could pass as her mom in public...


I'm reading this as he wanted a mom for her and since you looked alike it would go over better.

dancingcats 5

do y'all not realize most people are attracted to features on someone that most closely resemble this actually makes sense. although wording is very bad

tounces7 27

Some are assuming the worst here. Perhaps if his daughter doesn't have a mother, he just wanted to be with someone who could assume the role well and look the part on top of that?