Crossed wires

By hudd357mag - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the girl I have a crush on texted me to go out tonight. When I got to her house, she peered at me quizzically and asked, "What do you want? Did I text you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 746
You deserved it 2 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

808Boyo 4

You should have said, “Nah, I just stopped by to say **** you! "

Thats really mean tbh! What an idiot! But why didnt u text her back asking where would u go and stuff? Fyl


Thats really mean tbh! What an idiot! But why didnt u text her back asking where would u go and stuff? Fyl

saIty 17

"Uhmmmm... my magic 8 ball told me we are soulmates.."

GovernorGeneral 8

Maybe it was one of her or your friends playing a prank on you :P

It's a bit suspicious that she instantly said "did I text you?". I sense a guilty conscious.

Jakesterk96 8

That's when you say "yea, now get in my van."

It's kind of creepy if you didn't respond to the text, and just showed up at her house. Maybe she accidentally sent it to you?

chubby_choco 17

D: Poor OP. That girl's a bitch!

EvilCupcake8361 9

Maybe she just needed an excuse for changing her mind

I find it interesting how OP just automatically knew where her house was without asking.

beckaxoxo 5
808Boyo 4

You should have said, “Nah, I just stopped by to say **** you! "

And then he could've torched the house. In a confrontation like this,arson is appropriate approximately 81% of the time.

markrs 0

She's a bad girl. A very very bad girl. OP, she was actually teasing you, wanting you to ravish her at that very moment. What? No! She wouldn't have called the cops! She would've probably misdialed anyways!

Torching seems a little extreme. She kinda deserves it though, this is honestly the bitchiest move I have ever seen. Even if it was an accidental text she could have been a little more polite instead of saying "what do you want, Did I text you?" I mean this in the nicest way:)

terminat65 6
Inheritance 10

Punch her in the face and run like hell!

sexyrocker63 0
Clamcreepy 7

I'm guessing a sibling of her's played a prank on you to see if you would fall for it and it looks like it was a success. FYL People can be really mean sometimes, it's a shame.

braddah112233 1

Dude she meant to text the guy she's slamming not you. Haha

"Slamming" you sir are clearly a virgin.

The_Tool1 13

Just calling somebody a virgin automatically makes you a virgin. Stupid virgin

You my friend are much MUCH better off finding out the type of person she really is before investing your time and heart! You are to fine a man for the likes of her

That is probably the worst comeback I've ever heard, ever...

That really sucks, you probably had your hopes up high too

ninjuh_wingman 29

Either someone else used her phone to text you, or she decided to troll you.

Thats when you say "Yes, bit*h yes you did..."

Well.. That's a stage 5 bitch as opposed to the FML following this being a stage 5 clinger. You win some you lose some, I recently got dumped, the sooner you realize that they are just as shitty as they call us guys, the better!