
By PooperParty - 05/04/2021 11:00

Today, I had an Easter Egg Hunt in my backyard for my kids. When they collected all the eggs, they opened them and to their dismay there was no candy inside. When I bought them, I thought they already came with candy. It’s been two hours and my kids won’t stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 396
You deserved it 1 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this your first Easter? plus those eggs come open

xxlk4xx 6

that sucks! I usually just buy the shitty little chocolate eggs in the foil wrappers and hide those around the house in weird places! you ould always put a basket of chocolate on your front step (or wherever you want the kids to find it) and have a letter from the Easter bunny saying "dear so and so, I realized I forgot to fill your eggs with chocolate before I left them for you to find, I had a lot of families to deliver to in a short amount of time and must have forgotten the chocolate! please enjoy this basket of chocolate I've left for you" I don't know if this would help or not but that's what I would do lol


xxlk4xx 6

that sucks! I usually just buy the shitty little chocolate eggs in the foil wrappers and hide those around the house in weird places! you ould always put a basket of chocolate on your front step (or wherever you want the kids to find it) and have a letter from the Easter bunny saying "dear so and so, I realized I forgot to fill your eggs with chocolate before I left them for you to find, I had a lot of families to deliver to in a short amount of time and must have forgotten the chocolate! please enjoy this basket of chocolate I've left for you" I don't know if this would help or not but that's what I would do lol

Is this your first Easter? plus those eggs come open

Ody 2

Didnt you feel the eggs so light and shake them to realize theres nothing in them?

not to mention most of those plastic eggs are packaged open and you have to snap them together. the ones that come already together that I've seen all have printed warnings right on the lable stating that they are empty

It's pretty obvious by the weight of the egg whether it has candy in it or not. I'm not understanding how you couldn't tell.

You didn't even notice the difference between EMPTY eggs and filled ones? And you didn't check? YDI every day of the week and twice on Easter Sunday.