Dad of the day

By Anonymous - 04/07/2023 23:02 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad is disappointed in me because I came to him for advice on how I should tell my girlfriend I don’t feel ready for sex yet. He just looked at me, shook his head, and walked away. Later he sent my mom to ask me if I’m gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 204
You deserved it 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

definitely a shitty attitude! take your time and let her know, if having sex is a requirement for her then she'll also let you know. partners should always respect your boundaries no matter what. what he did is the opposite of parenting and respect

good for you for being a respectful young man! dad's an ass


So? Are you? What are you doing to this poor girl? If she's ready to bone, why are you ****-blocking her?

even if his girlfriend is his current highschool English teacher? obviously not! so obviously sometimes (anytime!) there is a good reason for anyone not to want to ****. yet because you're so sexist you immediately think this poor dude should **** no matter what. learn respect

Nikki 16

You’ll get used to Richard, it’s no use getting mad

definitely a shitty attitude! take your time and let her know, if having sex is a requirement for her then she'll also let you know. partners should always respect your boundaries no matter what. what he did is the opposite of parenting and respect

good for you for being a respectful young man! dad's an ass

TampaLex 3

you must have a wittle weenie. ☹️

I’m sorry for you your dad acted that way. You’re doing right. Just talk to your girl and take it at your own pace.

I am so sorry he reacted that way.. and for the girlfriend, just tell her. Let her know how you feel. If she gets upset or leaves, let her. You shouldn't have to feel pressured to have sex if you aren't ready.