David Attenborough

By types - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided he was going to narrate everything I do. I can't get him to stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 471
You deserved it 3 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

"And then she typed angrily on her computer all the while telling me to stop narrating"


Idonebeenhad 17

Why are there more YDI's than FYL's on this FML? I don't see how she could deserve this...

almostalbino 10

You know, I don't see too many YDI's...

Idonebeenhad 17

Must have been a glitch, before there were 2x more YDI's than FYL's

Currently his wife sat there staring at her computer reading her FMLs

Stop reacting to it, and then he'll stop

He probably won't like to narrate a kick to the ass. "as boyfriend seems to irritate female significant other, he is taken aback to see females left foot going up annoying ass"

Go to give him a bj and then bite him. He'll stop. Warning: You're relationship might end too.

Rainbowbright99 4

I love the Bastion comment. "Then the boy just rages for a litttle while." that narrator voice reminds me of the one from the big lebowski.

Just act like you really like it and when he forgets to narrate a little thing tell him. He'll stop eventually.

Just tell him you'll break up with him if he doesn't stop.