
By derk - 23/03/2022 02:00

Today, I took my Switch into work because I was the only one working, I figured if everyone had the day off, I could enjoy some me time. It turns out I did nothing but work. I put my Nintendo Switch with the bag orders I had to deliver to the post office, but I forgot to take out the Switch out of the bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 310
You deserved it 1 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What made you think you wouldn't have to WORK when you got to WORK? Even if the place was empty save for yourself you still had a job to do. YDI for thinking you could get away with not working, and for not having the foresight to put your Switch somewhere safe before starting. I hope there's some random kid somewhere enjoying Breath of the Wild for free.

I recall once in high school, Mom suggested I ask my supervisor if I could use downtime for homework. Needless to say, she's never worked in retail. And I totally should have listened to my gut and not asked.


What made you think you wouldn't have to WORK when you got to WORK? Even if the place was empty save for yourself you still had a job to do. YDI for thinking you could get away with not working, and for not having the foresight to put your Switch somewhere safe before starting. I hope there's some random kid somewhere enjoying Breath of the Wild for free.

I recall once in high school, Mom suggested I ask my supervisor if I could use downtime for homework. Needless to say, she's never worked in retail. And I totally should have listened to my gut and not asked.