Dog whistle

By uglyshoegirl - 08/03/2015 21:49 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I sent a picture to my best friend of the shoes I want to wear to prom. She replied, "Wow those are so unique". I guess she forgot that last week she told me she only uses the word unique when she hates something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 873
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you like them that's all that matters!


At least you heard the truth, if that's what you were after.

Maybe she didn't forget, in which case that's pretty rude.

And then you'll tell her you're not going to get them, then she'll wear them to prom. Women are so weird. :3

Perhaps she remembered saying that, and this was her slightly more subtle way of saying "I hate them." But who cares what she thinks? You didn't pick them out to please her, right?

I genuinely don't see the issue. OP showed her friend some shoes, and the friend gave some feedback: those shoes are ugly. So either buy them anyway, or pick some different shoes. OP's life is not yet ****** because of this.