Don't jump to conclusions

By Anonymous - 27/12/2022 03:00

Today, my girlfriend of six months broke up with me. In her words, “Liking you fucked up my brain.” Later that afternoon, she posted a story of her with another dude’s arm around her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 851
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really wonder what she meant, that's such an odd and pretty mean thing to say. Was OP gaslighting or negging her or something?


So you assume that because you make a relationship stressful that she thinks all men will be like that? You know what happens when you assume...

Many men and women hold onto a relationship they want to end until they find it’s replacement and then dump the one they were with. Personally I think that shows a serious lack of character, but many people do that. They are afraid of being alone, I assume… Just because your ex was not happy being with you, doesn’t mean she’s given up on men… Use this as a learning experience. “Don’t be a dick” is the shortest version I know to express this. If you are difficult to get along with, if you are prone to constant life drama, if you consistently take more than you give in a relationship (not talking about money); then you will eventually be alone. But you can learn from this and polish off your “rough edges” and you will eventually find someone who wants to be with you. Oh, and listen to your partner - They will have told you what they don’t like and aren’t comfortable with long before they jump ship.

I really wonder what she meant, that's such an odd and pretty mean thing to say. Was OP gaslighting or negging her or something?

Respond to the story with, "Thanks for proving that liking me didn't **** up your brain after all. It was just a PRE-EXISTING CONDITION."