Dorsia? On a Friday night?

By DoYourWorst - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, marks yet another day when I've been threatened to be ruined with the words, "I know people in high places!" and had objects thrown at me at my workplace. I'm a hostess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 337
You deserved it 406

Top comments

Customer service isn't an easy domain to work in

"I'll see to it that you never host in this town again!" "Ohmygod, really?! Thanks!"


Customer service isn't an easy domain to work in

Do you work at an IHOP or something like that? Cause that would make this even funnier.

This app crashes every minute I swear.

LittleRed79 39
Jacobus_G 3

it never crashes for me though the previous version stalled, until I finally upgraded

thatslifeiguess7 16

Don't you have a manager? they should be kicked out

"You are right, sir, and I apologize for my impertinence. Allow me to seat you right away, and with your permission I'll ask the chef to make you something special, something just. For. You. Something that the kind of someone who knows someone else and isn't afraid to say so but is reluctant to say the actual name of the person they know absolutely deserves."

"I'll see to it that you never host in this town again!" "Ohmygod, really?! Thanks!"

As a fellow hostess I feel your pain completely, we just have to grin and bear it, and to be honest most of the staff doesn't sympathize with the hostess "because our job is so easy" so I definitely feel for you FYL indeed.

jcash52426 5

And if they spoke to me like that I would tell them I have the right to not serve your for being disrespectful to me here's the bill what what you have consumed you can leave. If you are still here when I get back the police will be called.

So when the passenger on the airplane said "I know people in high places," did they mean God, Jesus, and the angels?