Dressed for success

By bitchsawmebuyit - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I realized the dress I bought yesterday still had the security tag on. I returned to the store to get it removed, only to realize I'd lost my receipt. The lady at the counter thought I stole it, called security, and had me escorted out, dress-less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 4 760

Same thing different taste


That's why you should always keep up with receipts! Duh. YDI

Obey_StudBoii 23

Tell her or him to run back the security camera from yesterday. Problem solved

Not all cameras are stationary and may not have been pointed at her at the time.

Tell them to look at the security footage they will see you walking into the store with it and also if they still have the footage of you buying it previously they can see that too. Also I would make damn sure once the mistake was realized that you got refunded all your money plus the dress plus store credit as well for all the undue stress, not to mention making sure some sort of action is also taken against the girl who made all this happen especially if it shows she was the one who first served you when you bought it as well.

YDI! The first thing I always do when returning something is to find a salesperson. That way I can prove I walked in with the item.

By the sounds of it OP would walked right up to the counter to explain the problem and was then accused of stealing, it would have looked even worse if she had just walked around the store with the dress with the security tag on it. Also she wasn't returning an item she was just going back to have the security tagged removed from it. If it didn't have the security tag still on it and OP was just returning it she wouldn't be having this problem. So OP in no way deserves it because she is in no way at fault here except for accidently misplacing her receipt.

michaelaranda 28

Ydi for not checking to see you had the receipt. And taking the security tag isnt hard if you have a screwdriver or knife. .

CharresBarkrey 15

Most of those security tags have ink that pops out when you try to take it off without the proper tools.

MistaKrista 8

Actually, most retail stores have stopped using ink tags because it creates such a huge mess and damages the clothes. They now use electronic tags, which yes, can be popped off with a strong magnet or by other means.

YDI for not checking to see if you had the receipt, and also for not checking to see if the tag had been taken off. I always check before leaving the store, just to be on the safe side.

kra1985 8

I have the security tags left on my clothes before use a magnet hammer and nail and it will come right off. Best of luck!

Sometimes the innocent get bit by our societal fear of criminals

Amajean 7

That's bull and you should get in contact with management and corporate