Dry phone

By Keijah Curtis - 31/10/2023 17:00 - United States - Lansdowne

Today, I was on Instagram and I sent a meme to my other account. Tell me why as soon as I switched over and saw my one chat notification, I got excited, then remembered I'd just sent myself a meme. FML
I agree, your life sucks 142
You deserved it 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

we won't even talk about how many times I've done this

Alzheimer's. Sucks to be you, bro. But at least now everything will be new and surprising! You can even go through the tedious bullshit of finding out who shot J.R.! Or Mr. Burns. Or... wait... how old are you?


Alzheimer's. Sucks to be you, bro. But at least now everything will be new and surprising! You can even go through the tedious bullshit of finding out who shot J.R.! Or Mr. Burns. Or... wait... how old are you?

we won't even talk about how many times I've done this