Dude, what the…?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I woke up to my apartment filled with smoke, fire alarms blaring. My roommate set my kitchen on fire while making hot dogs. This is the fourth time this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 032
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xX504DBXx 0

man... not the hot dogs. looks like he's just gonna have to resort to ramen. hopefully he doesn't **** that up too.


Comments that are simple/stupid like yours make me chuckle everytime. that's a good thing, not sure how it comes out though because i said stupid :p

ErikaaLauren 0

im thinking he needs to switch to hamburgers ....or pizza rolls microwaves don't use fire lol sorry bro

AceArctic 4

While that's true, my sister managed to catch ours on fire. Twice. -.-

op helloooo! either A. start making the hot dogs your self B. teach the roommate how to do it or C. stop bitching ydi for letting it happen 4 times!! lol just sayin!

okay after the second fire shouldn't the roommate be banned from cooking? or even the third. and hot dogs just be banned because they're so dangerous. ps hot dogs = crap. it's all the crappy parts of the animal. only times it's even a little good is when you put a lot of other crap on it to drown out the taste. but yeah don't eat em anymore.

SomePinkTape 0

lol haha I see how that can happen. My sister tried to make a grilled cheese sammich once and ended up burning the bread and not even melting the cheese.

sallen0046 4

Why would you chose to continue living with someone who has set the house on fire not one, but three times before? Especially considering they've done so trying to complete a task most children are capable of mastering. Either move out, get a new roommate, or don't complain when everything you own eventually goes up in flames.