Dumbest cheater

By Anonymous - 21/10/2022 06:00

Today, and for the last few weeks, I'd let the nagging feeling that my boyfriend was up to something go. It's also the day I found his messages to other girls on Xbox Live of all things. On a profile that we both share. FML
I agree, your life sucks 948
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

having seen this exact thing play out with family and friends... this could go either way. My younger brothers GF threw a fit about the same thing, but every message was purely game based and no different than the same type of message he sent to dudes after CoD matches (GG, well played, nice streak etc). so I feel this needs a tad more detail. cheating is shitty but some people can be overly jealous about minor things.

I hope you mean EX-boyfriend. (Search for meaning of life: completed successfully.)


I hope you mean EX-boyfriend. (Search for meaning of life: completed successfully.)

having seen this exact thing play out with family and friends... this could go either way. My younger brothers GF threw a fit about the same thing, but every message was purely game based and no different than the same type of message he sent to dudes after CoD matches (GG, well played, nice streak etc). so I feel this needs a tad more detail. cheating is shitty but some people can be overly jealous about minor things.