Elephants upstairs

By Anonymous - 23/05/2023 10:00

Today, yet again, my upstairs neighbor can’t stop stomping. It’s troubling. There are random noises and thuds at 3 a.m. I've emailed the leasing office several times to no avail. I even told the leasing office that I didn't care if my neighbor has insomnia, I really don’t, I just have to be up at work by 6:00 a.m. every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 619
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could you contact the neighbor directly and see if the sound isolation in the apartment is up to building code? I’m so sorry, it sounds like your neighbor’s insomnia is giving you insomnia as well.

If you don't care about your neighbor's insomnia, why should the leasing office? Instead of building management, you ought to tip off the Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious recruiters about his awake time. After a few visits, he'll learn to at least pretend to sleep at that time. Problem solved.


Could you contact the neighbor directly and see if the sound isolation in the apartment is up to building code? I’m so sorry, it sounds like your neighbor’s insomnia is giving you insomnia as well.

If you don't care about your neighbor's insomnia, why should the leasing office? Instead of building management, you ought to tip off the Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious recruiters about his awake time. After a few visits, he'll learn to at least pretend to sleep at that time. Problem solved.

Oh god, I had a neighbor like this not long ago, feel for you. Try complaining to the police. At least here it's illegal to make any noises during night hours, not just loud music for example.

Then get ear plugs you cant tell someone how to live in their own space, insomenia SUCKS I am sure your neighbour would prefer to be asleep to, how about you try noise cancelling headphones and relaxing sounds like binural beats or asmr?