
By Anonymous - 04/04/2023 22:00

Today, my redneck mother, who I parted ways from years ago, found out I became wealthy in my 30s so she turned up at my house, thinking she could just move in. Then she tried to demand the money I owed for giving birth to me, and camped on my lawn until I called the cops, FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 376
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You built those walls for a reason. Don't let Gorbichov-mom tear it down. Stay firm.

It’s one thing to voluntarily help someone because you want to. But I wouldn’t give a single cent to anyone who tried this… I assume that if OP cut ties with Mom before this, they had good reason. So I think OP did the right thing having the cops remove her… You don’t “owe” your Mom anything for giving birth to you. You had no choice in that matter - It wasn’t your decision… It’s a hell of a thing when a parent or adult child is such a problem that you have to cut ties or even resort to having the police remove them. But not every parent or adult child is worth the drama and problems they create. I believe in second chances, but I also believe that sometimes there is a time to completely disassociate… I sure as hell wouldn’t offer them money to go away because you can be sure once they burned through that they would be back looking for more.


You built those walls for a reason. Don't let Gorbichov-mom tear it down. Stay firm.

Offer her $10,000 to sign a legal document saying she can never contact you again. That'll probably buy enough Oxy that she'd take the deal.

Nah. She'd smell blood in the water and ignore any deal she made.

It’s one thing to voluntarily help someone because you want to. But I wouldn’t give a single cent to anyone who tried this… I assume that if OP cut ties with Mom before this, they had good reason. So I think OP did the right thing having the cops remove her… You don’t “owe” your Mom anything for giving birth to you. You had no choice in that matter - It wasn’t your decision… It’s a hell of a thing when a parent or adult child is such a problem that you have to cut ties or even resort to having the police remove them. But not every parent or adult child is worth the drama and problems they create. I believe in second chances, but I also believe that sometimes there is a time to completely disassociate… I sure as hell wouldn’t offer them money to go away because you can be sure once they burned through that they would be back looking for more.