Eventful day

By Anonymous - 30/07/2021 23:01 - Bahrain - Manama

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a fight after the gym. Then, a cheesecake I'd baked for a client cracked all the way through. Then, my oven broke as I was trying to make a new one, so I left to bake it at a friend's house, at which point I locked my keys and all of my supplies inside my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 080
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cheesecake is the favorite food of djinns. Your dabbling with this satanic food is bringing all of the turmoil to your life. Just stick with donuts. Homer Simpson never hurt no one.

If she used Jell-O brand no-bake cheesecake, she could have avoided 3 problems. On the label, it says "May prevent gym fights."


Cheesecake is the favorite food of djinns. Your dabbling with this satanic food is bringing all of the turmoil to your life. Just stick with donuts. Homer Simpson never hurt no one.

Boy this FML really takes the.... ....cake

2 of those problems could be solved with a no cook cheesecake. They're good and none is left at events that my wife takes them to.

If she used Jell-O brand no-bake cheesecake, she could have avoided 3 problems. On the label, it says "May prevent gym fights."

Hope things haven't been that crazy since.