Fainting time

By kindergarten teacher - 23/03/2013 13:25 - United States - Hanford

Today, I was feeling sick and fainted while teaching my kindergarten class. I came to when one boy poured a cup of water on my face. Three kids were crying into my walkie talkie, telling the office I was dead, and the rest of the class had disappeared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 484
You deserved it 3 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be thankful it wasn't a highschool class or you would have woken with penises everywhere..

Well, the ones who stuck around and tried to communicate with the office via walkie talkies sound pretty mature for their age, so kudos to them.


Wonder what the secretary thought when she heard three kids crying and said that the teacher was dead.

Shadow_Phantom 26

FYL, but it could have been worse, OP. I''m curious as to why you fainted, though. Scary. ._.

*If* you want to be male? Noor, you're on the internet. Now flaunt your e-penis for us all.

You were sick and teaching a kindergarten class not your best move

iLoveCookiezz 12

Oh my gawd that's hilarious

hanielfavela 6

If i were one of the kids, ill be with the group that left to play in the playground!X)

At least some of the kids were worried about you,as for the rest of da class, they probably went to recess or lunch or a combo of the two. I hope you feel better

Well know you know which kids care about you lol. It's sweet that 3 were crying over your "death" and one revived you with water.

Well know you know which kids care about you lol. It's sweet that 3 were crying over your "death" and one revived you with water.