
By Anonymous - 20/09/2023 00:02

Today, my date walked out on me after I told him I was devout in my beliefs, including saving myself until marriage. Apparently, meeting me at Sunday services didn’t twig him to my faith, and he actually thought religious girls were all secret sluts like in the pornos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 824
You deserved it 344

Same thing different taste

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Saving oneself for marriage is a valid dealbreaker. The fact that this guy "thought religious girls were all secret sl#ts like in the adult movies" is not, and falls into FYL for OP for me.

YDI because saving yourself for marriage is a totally valid deal breaker.


YDI because saving yourself for marriage is a totally valid deal breaker.

I think sometimes people don't fully think about what they're saying. What you're essentially suggesting if you follow this out full term would mean that you should have sex with everyone that you date. I get that some people don't want to wait till they're married because they don't understand why someone would do that. I also can understand why people would want to do that. I have no problem with them not dating because their standards don't align. Suggesting however that it's her fault says far more about you than op.

yeah, it says to me a no sex relationship is a deal breaker, dumbass. that's not a secret

Lffayen 4

So? She deserves someone compatible. Definitely still a YDI moment, cause she isn't willing to change and neither is he so it's not like either party's life sucks here, they both deserve happiness in their choices.

Saving oneself for marriage is a valid dealbreaker. The fact that this guy "thought religious girls were all secret sl#ts like in the adult movies" is not, and falls into FYL for OP for me.

yeah but he didn't actually say that, sounds like that was her rationalization for him leaving

So it’s ok to consider a woman a **** but not to respect her beliefs?

So you're really keeping it secret. I won't tell ;)

So you fell for one of the biggest lies and gimmicks of religion 🤦‍♂️ not to mention statistically speaking those types of relationships never last and have the highest divorce,abuse and cheating rate of any type. Enjoy your solitude life.

I know Charlie won't be swayed by this but I know other people might read this comment and think he's right. What Charlie said is completely wrong and false. I've even done research and written about this at university. Marriages were both people are the same religion are far more likely to succeed. Living together before marriage leads to more divorces. People imagine that it's like trying it out beforehand so it'll be safer but it's actually worse when you look at the statistics. Charlie knows nothing and his so-called facts are all wrong and polar opposite from the truth.

I did this with voice to text which never works very well for me so please ignore any errors.

I'm really curious where your statistics come from because I would love to see those numbers. Maybe you can post the website of the data sets that you've explored.

HouseOfM 8

sex is an important part of the relationship and finding out your needs and wants aren't the same after is huge. it can/does lead to Infidelity especially when divorce is not an option.

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TomeDr 24

Good! You need a partner who shares your beliefs. And, unpopular opinion - **** isn’t real! I wish people would realize that!